Dr.H.Bhojraj B.E (Hons),M.D (Acu)
Acupressure and Acupuncture Consultant![]()
Vol.14 Jan- Feb - Mar 2005 No.1
point solutions
the Course Director....
Our innate potential for self-healing Every one of us, from birth to death, day in and day out, exposed to unseen stress that causes disturbance in our equilibrium which in turn causes health problems.The psychological stress which is most talked about in our health science is only a part of the solutions but there are other unseen stresses which are equally important to deal with in a collective way.Environmental stress from chemicals like drugs, pollutants, subtle toxins in the food, bacteria, virus, Electro Magnetic (EM) radiation, even negative psychic fields in certain places can also cause this imbalance in our body, mind and soul equilibrium. Pill for every ill has become ingrained belief or rather expectation among many people.It is much easier to take a pill rather than change potentially unhealthy lifestyle habits,which may be contributing to the health problem,The desire for an easier, quicker solution is the reflection of the denial of self - responsibility.Lifestyle changes are rather forced on individual who undergo certain shocks in their diagnosis or some catastrophic occurs. Increased public awareness about the concept of wellness and greater public education, the attitude of people is changing towards better.The issue of self-responsibility in life is an important one in relation to personal health.The physician is in many ways an adviser and an educator as well as a healer.It is up to the patient to take the advice of the doctor if he or she is to achieve the state of health that is sought. It is known that our capacity for staying in equilibrium (homeostasis) and immunologic capability is affected not only by physical factors,but also by our level of emotional and mental well being.Emotional conflicts, feelings of powerlessness and lack of self-love can cause major problems in our organs.Self-love or loving ourselves is as important as loving those around us. Our main motto is life should be giving our services with dedication for the betterment of our fellow human beings and not only to make money.Our illnesses are often a symbolic reflection of our own internal states of emotional unrest, spiritual blockage and dis-ease of mind.Our own states of emotion and degree of spiritual attunement of higher selves can play an important part in our health and well being. Recognize you innate potential for self-healing.I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy,healthy and productive New Year 2005. Heal Thyself. Dr. H. Bhojraj
ARE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES BETTER THAN THE MODERN MEDICINE SYSTEMS? Doctor NDTV.com. conducted a survey to find our which was the most efficient and trusted system of medicine amongst people. The survey revealed that there was a positive inclination towards the use of alternative medicines. About 54% of the participants felt that alternative medicines were better than the medicines systems since they had fewer side effects and were less costly. About 600 people took the survey and a little more than half felt alternative systems of medicine were more time tested and effective. Survey also revealed that the practitioners were honestly influenced by the system of medicine they followed. FROM:
![]() Of drugless therapy and satellites-Deccan Herald ReportACUPRESSURE CLUB (Membership Form) (Take a print out of this form and send.) Case Histories We have decided to continue printing the newsletter and will be available on request for members. I thank all the life members, advance course trainees and the people who have supported our Club activities to propogate these Self-help Techniques to common people. We will try to revive our research activities as soon as possible. Your continued support and co-operation will be highly appreciated by our research team. Dr.
H. Bhojraj
by appointment only.
P.S. We request the members / readers to please send us their comments, suggestions,etc. which will greatly help us make the Newsletter more informative / interesting. |
A note of appreciation:
A really informative site with loads of case studies. It is great to see someone who is willing to share his "Secrets" so openly and freely. Keep it up.
I read your wonderful book on Acupressure and Fitness and was greatly impressed by the contents.On seeing the website address in the book (bhojraj.tripod.com) I went through the site and I was delighted to see the openness in spreading the acupressure cure for many ailments.I am interested in short term acupressure course.Mr. Vivekbhat
Email- vivekbhat-@hotmail.com
Dear Mr. Bhojraj,Thank you for your online help. I would like you to add my comments of your website.
“I am very impressed with this technique and the awesome and quick results than can and do happen. You are giving a great service to humanity. Thank you so much for sharing these techniques and the good work”.
“Patricia Fonseca” FONSECAP@ae.ibm.com
No.10, Old No.76Second Trust Main Road
– 600 086
I am a college teacher; I have been suffering from chronic migraine headache, even since my school days right from the age of 14. I do not remember a day when I did not rise in the morning without a headache. I used to go about my routine with persistent pain in the temple region. This pain was usually accompanied by vomiting. At about sunset, the pain used to subside automatically, leaving me tired and worn out. Sometimes this migraine attack used to even extend over a day or two. No medical treatment was spared, be it Allopathy, Homeopathy, or Siddha. The remedies prescribed brought me relief, which was not to last long. I gave up hope and was resigned to my lot of having to live with this headache all through my life.
Recently, during one of my migraine attacks my colleague, a trained acutherapist came to my help. She gave me acupressure treatment and the result was instant and unbelievable. Never in my life had I experienced such relief during an attack.
On the advice of my colleague I joined the acutherapy course conducted by her guru Dr. Jayalakshmi, to be able to help others through this therapy. During the training course, the doctor gave me acupuncture treatment (yin wind reduction) supported by some homoeopathic medicines, she being a homeopath was an added advantage. The effects were magical. Since then this headache has not recurred. Thanks to God and to Dr. Jayalakshmi, who has taken up this mission of propagating this drugless therapy. I too, in my own small way, have ventured to popularize this therapy in my circle of friends and relative.
Course Director’s Comments;
Acupuncture point Liv-1 has all the potential to cure Migraine. Those interested in knowing the self help points are requested to contact Mr.Suresh in Bangalore(Ph 26644012) and Dr.Jayalakshmi in Chennai (Ph 2815 1832)
PAIN CURED – With Self Acupressure
R.M.A. Krishnan
Sengunthar Middle st.
My wife had been suffering from knee joint pain for quite long time.She tried many systems, took medicines, applied ointments, oil etc., but in vain.The pain increased day by day. She happened to read the article on Joint pain in Mangayar Malar (Tamil Magazine), April 2003 issue.The Acupressure points were explained clearly in that article by Dr.J.Jayalakshmi.She pressed all these points regularly and sincerely twice a day. The pain began to decrease and, she had a total relief from the pain within a few days. Now she is completely cured and she is telling everyone about her self-treatment and cure with pride.
PAIN CURED By acupressure treatment
Dr. Haribabu, MDS
Dept. of Prosthetics
Medical College and Hospital
Chennai – 600 102
Due to prolonged driving and riding and improper posture in sleeping, I used to get neck pain once in 6 months or in a year.
I take either Diclofenic sodium or other pain killer tablets for the stubborn neck pain and I get relief of my pain within 12 hours of my medication.
In the recent past I experienced a stubborn neck pain and was perturbed over the pain as my medication was not responding to in spite of taking it over 48 hours and absolutely no relief was felt. It was during that period Sri Nateshan Murthy was on his visit to Chennai and since I knew his competence in Accupuncture and Accupressure I approached him. After two sittings I was fully relieved of my pain within 8 hours and I felt very comfortable than earlier. I never had any problem even during my trip abroad after this treatment.
Sri Nateshan Murthy adds –Phone: 98441 23705
For acute problems, patients should be treated with general points first and treatment should be continued with the exact point related to the ailment. This will give miraculous relief and effective. This is my personal experience when I treat patients with acute problems.
from general health points as given in Dr. H. Bhojraj’s
book, the neck pain can be relieved by rotating of thumb and big toe
clockwise and anti clockwise for one or two minutes. The neck point
located in the ear will be highly useful in this treatment and the message
is first activate the general points and then go to the specific treatment
of the ailment.
BACK PAIN CURED -With acupressure
Mr.Michael Jeevan
- 37313121
I had
severe low back pain about two years back. I got admitted in a hospital
for treatment. I was given traction and physiotherapy for two weeks. I
was also advised to reduce my weight. I had good relief with this
treatment for my back pain.
again after a few months the back pain started again. It became very
severe and I was unable to walk with little weight of my briefcase.
After that I came across Mr. Bhoopalan and Mr. Nateshan Murthy from whom
I received Acupressure treatment. It was a big wonder to me that
in the first sitting itself 80-85% of my back pain vanished. And
in the subsequent sittings it did reduced further. Once upon a time
I had a false opinion about Acupressure. But after experiencing the effect
of acupressure I made up my mind to learn basics of ACU and practicing
it on my friends and relatives.
had undergone the Acupressure / Acupuncture treatment from Mr. Nateshan
Murthy / Mr. Bhoopalan and now I am satisfied and fully relieved of my
ailments and look forward to help others to avail the alternate medical
aid from the above persons.
Mr. Bhoopalan can be contacted at Ph. No. 25083336 in ISAC and residence
at Ph. No. 25353018.
Phone 0479 –
I was suffering from sinus problem for many years and I used to get fever on and off for last two years. I was under medication and manage my routine with difficulty. After coming to Bangalore for Project work, my sinusitis had aggravated and had become all time high. I was guided to Shri Natesh Murthy and Shri D. Bhoopalan who were practicing Acupuncture .
I had undergone about half a dozen sittings and got my sinusitis relieved. It had greatly helped me and I had stopped all my allopathic treatment.
Now I am far better than before and had obtained sufficient relief through this drugless therapy.
Dr. H. Bhojraj
The Deccan Herald, April 7,2004
Simply Walk Maadi Walking for health and Fitness; Dr. H. Bhojraj (Bangalore; Acupressure Club, pp 108, Rs. 100).
“Long term fitness means developing cardiovascular fitness, for which all you need to do is plan a programme that suits your needs and motivate yourself to do it.
The book offers you guidelines that you need to keep in mind before getting into a fitness routine.”
BMP Commissioner praises the book on "Walking"
Shri Suresh,
have gone through Dr. Bhojraj’s book on “walking” with great interest.
It makes truely enjoyable reading and is a lovely addition to the literature
on promoting healthy lifestyles! I hope you will be able to bring out a
Kinnada edition of the book very soon as a service to the people of Bangalore
and the State.
With Best wishes,
Sreenivasa Murthy)
Bangalore Mahanagara Palike.
Simply Walk Maadi !
A book of about 100 pages, exclusively on the advantages of Walking is published .This publication contain all aspects of WALKING – Method,Frequency, Speed, Do’s and Don’ts, Timing etc.– and is useful for one and all (age, health condition, profession no bar).This booklet also covers health tips, tons of Single Point Solutions (Acupressure) illustrated sketches/ diagrams etc. for easy understanding and follow up,insight into the walking process for cardiovascular fitness.(Simply Walk Maadi).
The book is released in January 2004 and avilable for sale..
Contents of the book:SIMPLI WALK MAADI
Training heart rate - Recording table |
Book your requirements:
Contact :Dr.H.Bhojraj (2332 6552)
Mr. Palyam Suresh
598/1 (upstairs), 11th Main, 5th Block
Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 041
Tel : 26644 012
Dear Dr. Bhojraj,Acupressure Newsletter helpsI did my project work in ISRO (1994-1995) in heat pipe section, under the guidance of Mr.P.P. Gupta. I attended your acupressure workshop in Bangalore. I moved to Delhi and I tried to contact you when you had a plan to conduct the workshop. But it did not happen.I have to thank you for your wonderful health tips with which I keep good health even now. Hope you are continuing your service.
Mr. Alamelu
FROM: “ALAMELU BROOKS” <pds_einstein@worldnet.att.net>
I am a regular reader of our Acupressure Newsletter . The front article from the course director’s desk on ‘SIMPLY WALK MAADI’ helped me to kickstart my mornig walk program again especially after getting relieved of my heel pain.
I thank
Bhojraj for the treatment and wish him all success in the pursuit of
making the path of drugless therapy reach the common man .
Honoured for her service
One of our associate members in Chennai, Dr. J. Jayalakshmi is practicing acupressure with Homeopathy and propagating the message of Drugless wonder. She has been participating in Health campus run by certain Non Governmental organization and treating poor patients free of cost.
In recognition of her services to the Humanity and to the poor in particular, two organizations in Chennai, “Thozhil Kanavugal”, a monthly magazine dedicated to growth of small scale industry and Women Entrepreneurs, and “Women Social Welfare Trust”, a Non Governmental organization, working for the uplift of women had organized a function and honoured Dr. J. Jayalakshmi with a shield. The function, which was organized on 26-08-2004, at Hotel Dasaprakash,Chennai had Justice S.K. Krishnan of the Madras High Court presided over the function and conferred the award.A number of speakers including Dr. Suseela Mariappan,Director of University Students Advisory Bureau,University of Madras felicitated Dr. J. Jayalakshmi.
We, in the Acupressure club are happy about the recognition of one of our associates and convey our hearty congratulations to Dr.Jayalakshmi.
Basic Course: March 6,2005 (1000 Hrs-1600 Hrs)
Course Fee:Rs.1000/- per participant
Topics covered:Energy balancing,Reflexology,Single point solutions,Oil pulling therapy,Pranayama and Meditation
Follow up course:March 20,2005 (1330 Hrs-1700 Hrs)
Course fee:Rs.150/- per participantFor Details and Registration :Contact our Research Coordinator:Mr.Palyam Suresh
Tel:No.26644 012 / 9341261251 between 1030 Hrs-2030 Hrs