Dr.H.Bhojraj B.E (Hons),M.D (Acu)
Acupressure and Acupuncture Consultant
Vol.12 Sept - Oct 2003 No.5
the Course Director
For Health & Fitness
Case Histories Diabetes |
Basic Course on Acupressure Treatment CampsACUPRESSURE CLUB (Membership Form) (Take a print out of this form and send.) |
From the Course Director's Desk....
Avoid Reaction ! Take Action !!
Suffering in life is inevitable because many of the parameters, which cause this suffering, are not in our hands;example,natural calamities.But most of our suffering is experienced by our body and mind due to our own faults.Those people who look for pleasurable sensations in the body and mind with external input are bound to suffer in the long run.Many of them become addict to such external inputs.
Of course the joy or the pleasure one experiences is mainly due to that particular activity with an external input.But real happiness does not require any external input.In fact one needs to shut all the five senses and its sensations.Thoughtless condition is most blissful state in that scale.But the question is whether we can reach that state as and when we want.
Well. Any text on mind and body control gives you the techniques to reach that state with proper training.Yes,one needs proper guidance from a ‘guru’ and the knowledge through books will not help as much as having a personal attention from a teacher.
Most of us are attached to the momentary pleasures which the mind reacts due to its liking of pleasant sensations.It can be due to contact of the eye with a vision, contact of the ear with a sound,contact of the nose with an odour,contact of the tongue with a taste,contact of the body with something tangible or contact of the mind with any thought,emotion,idea, imagination or memory. Only through these five physical senses and the mind we experience the world.But as we all know, same contact produces unpleasant sensations in our body and mind if one dislikes the contact.But as long as our senses are functioning, contact is inevitable as also the reactions.
So, consciousness flows and our reactions makes it flow for ever in our life as well as in the next life.What causes this reaction ? Lord Buddha says it is the ignorance.So, the solution lies with the individual.‘Know thyself’ is the answer to all the sufferings. Why react at all and give force to your consciousness ? Let us avoid that reaction and let us decide our action.Let us avoid the craving and take what we need to maintain our life. Let us avoid aversion to any human being and act neutral to evaluate the situation.
In short, the suffering of ours are created by our own actions and let us not blame anyone for that.If at all one has to blame someone for his / her suffering, he / she has to blame himself / herself.
Well, we are very successful in treating migraine cases and our experiment is very successful.I request all the members who have registered for Migraine camp to give your feedback in writing to our club for documentation.
We have planned to take up ‘Asthma’ for our research in the coming year 2004.Those who are suffering from breathing difficulty are requested to contact Mr. Palyam Suresh (Tel : 318 61251) for registration. The camp will start from December 2003.
With best wishes
Dr. H. Bhojraj
Course Director
1963, 8th Main, ‘E’ Block,Rajajinagar
II Stage
Bangalore - 560 010.
Tel : 332 6552 / 332
Email : acu_bgl@yahoo.co.in
by appointment only.
Days 6 to 8 pm
Sat & Sundays 9 to 11 am
request the members / readers to please send us their comments, suggestions,etc.
which will greatly help us make the Newsletter more informative / interesting.
A really informative site with loads of case studies. It is great to see someone who is willing to share his "Secrets" so openly and freely. Keep it up.
Yoshinobu Kawahara,AustraliaPinning pain in the foot and diabetescontrolled by acupuncture.
Says Mr. A. Govinda Rajan, 34, Melony Road, T. Nagar, Chennai.
I am now 66 years old.I am a known diabetic for the last 35 years. I had heart attack in 1984 and was diagnosed for atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beats).For diabetes I am taking insulin as prescribed by the doctor. Similarly, I am following the prescription for heart complaint.
I met Dr.J.Jayalakshmi four months back and I explained my serious illness of pinning pain on the right foot that elevates upwards. Before that I had several treatments like allopathic, physiotherapy and ayurvedic.The results were very poor when I met Dr. J. Jayalakshmi.
After a through checkup, she gave the acupuncture treatment that was very successful.Gradually, I improved a lot and I am still continuing the same treatment and I am very happy.She has suggested some regular acupressure activation points.She said that the treatment will give relief to my diabetic problem also. I had blood sugar - fasting, post prandial - urine check up.Due to normal conditions,I could reduce insulin, which I was taking, to half .I was taking 40 units in the morning and 40 units in the night, but as of now,I am taking only 20 units each in the morning and evening. It is very good and in particular,I thank Dr. Jayalakshmi for her treatment and advice.
Mr. A. Govinda Rajan, Tel : (044) 2432 3138, email : govind1936@yahoo.com
Severe bronchitiscured by acupuncture.
Says Mr. Federico Zarragoicoechea of Boneus Aires, Argentina fedezarra@coopsal.com.ar
I had a great success with your method. I treated a young girl ,14 years old, with severe chronic bronchitis.She was sick since birth since she had aspirate amniotic fluid.At 9 years age her lung was operated (lung abscess, bronchiectasis).
I was treating her with ordinary acupuncture plus ear acupuncture thrice.She had improved a lot but it wasnot enought for me. So I treated her with Dr. Bhorjaj’s method,and she improved 100% in a few hours.I happen to see her 2 days after the treatment and she was free from symptoms.This method of treatment works like a miracle.
Her mother thanked me and I said, “not for me, thank Dr Bhojraj from India.”
Mohd Shafeeque D.F., Munireddy Palya, Bangalore - 06, Ph : 3547728
be contacted in Bhatkal for treatment : 23/5, Salsabel, Usman Nagar 1st
Cross, Bhatkal)
For almost a year,I had been suffering from heel pain.A dull, persistent ache which had not subsided even on treatment of Homeopathic medicines.On consulting a physician,I was asked to take an X-ray.Instead I resorted to acupressure.I picked certain points from Dr. H. Bhojraj book.I was amazed by the effect of a single treatment after which the pain vanished immediately and has not recurred again.
¯ Sp-3 Liv-1 ¯ Lu-8 ¯ P-7
Points for Breathing
(K- 27) : In the hollow below the collar bone next to the breast bone.
Lung (Lu-1) : On the outer part of the chest, three finger widths below the collar bone. Bladder
(B-13) : One finger width below the upper tip of the shoulder blade,
between the spine and the scalpel.
Lung (Lu-10) : On the palm side of the hand in the center of the pad at the base of the thumb. |
Activate these points 14 times by pressing and releasing. For best results, while pressing, breath in and while releasing breath out. A rhythemic action will be most effective. To achieve greater benefits, activate these points in an empty stomach.
Dr. H. Bhojraj
from previous issue]
Yes. We invariably walk everyday from morning to night till we retire for the day but all this walking is not enough to develop cardiovascular fitness. It is not the distance of walking over a day but the way one walks as an exercise that matters. Though we have to walk at least 3 to 5 kilometres in a day in our work place, many of us come under the sedentary life category. It simply means we spend too much time in sitting.
Long term fitness means developing cardiovascular fitness. To achieve this level of fitness it is necessary to do some aerobic exercise such as walking for a minimum of 20-30 minutes thrice to four times a week at the required heart rate. All you need to do is plan a programme which suits your individual needs and motivate yourself to do it as indicated. But read the precautions to be taken before planning into vigorous fitness walking.
If you are overweight,suffering from cardiovascular or respiratory disease or pregnant,you must consult the doctor before starting to walk briskly.
Don't try and push too hard, too quick. Your body may not take that stress.
Your muscle power decline with age up to 30% by the age of 60. So be careful and never compete with younger age group.
Walking aerobically helps you to regain some of that lost muscle strength.
For strength and flexibility,you have to perform some additional exercises for the upper body.
Now the requirements
A pair of comfortable walking shoes is the most essential requirement to kick-start your programme for life. Buy the best which is comfortable for your legs.
Start slowly and chalk out your own personal conditioning programme.
Watch your weight especially the fat content in your body.
Set the goals for yourself and if possible have a record of all the pathological parameters, especially the lipid profile, blood sugar (FBS/PPBS) and Blood Pressure.
Try to keep up your target even if there is a break in the routine, due to other commitments.
Some soreness in the muscle is inevitable if you are out of condition or
not exercised regularly.
Never be in a hurry to reach the aerobic walking speed initially.If you can't talk while you walk - you're going too fast !
Gradual increase of walking time - a must
When you start walking in the first week, plan your walk on alternate days for a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes. If you can achieve this without getting out of breath and feeling fatigued, it is considered good.
Then increase your walking time from 15 to 20 minutes in the second week. Continue this for third and fourth weeks and gradually increase to 45 minutes.
who are already fit and have done regular exercise need not go through
the conditioning programme which lasts for 4 weeks.
pulse rate is a rough guide to your general physical condition. It is better
to check the pulse rate early morning as soon as your get-up from the bed.
your index,middle and ring fingers on the wrist just close to the thumb
on the radial artery and count the pulse for one minute.
vigorous walking,it is better to do a little bit of stretching exercise
to warm-up the body.Warming up helps to prevent any injury while
walking.Without warm up there is a risk of pulls and tears to muscles,
tendons, ligaments and other connective tissue. Increased muscle
temperature due to warm up exercises improves mechanical efficiency,
you can walk faster with less effect.
Getting into fitness mode
A book of about 100 pages, exclusively on the advantages of Walking is being published shortly.This publication will contain all aspects of WALKING – Method,Frequency, Speed, Do’s and Don’ts, Timing etc.– and is useful for one and all (age, health condition, profession no bar).This booklet will also have health tips, tens of Single Point Solutions (Acupressure) illustrated sketches/ diagrams etc. for easy understanding and follow up. (Simply Walk Maadi).
book will be released in January 2004.Those interested can contact
our Programme Coordinator Mr. Palyam Suresh (Tel : 318 61251)
to book your copies through advance payment. Price Rs. 50/- each (List
price Rs. 75/-).
1. Mrs. Anooradha Saha, anooradha4u@rediffmail.com
Respected Dr. Bhojraj,
I am very much benefitted with your acupressure book.I do the 5 points that you have shown in your book.Once I had severe knee pain and I was not able to move my leg, neither sit nor lie down.I then followed the points from the book ACUPRESSURE The Drugless Path to Good health and also ACUPRESSURE AND FITTNESS, and within 2 days I was all right.Now for 4 years I have not taken any allopathic medicine and I am quite fit.Even when my husband has any problem he comes to me to show him the points.
Anooradha Saha
2. Mohammed Shafeeque D.F.-How I came Across Acupressure
My first encounter with Acupressure was in 1997 while I was browsing through a copy of the book “Health in your Hands” by Devendra Vohra of all the therapies mentioned in the book.I found Acupressure most interesting as it a simple and drugless method. I decided to try it on myself as I was suffering from nasal congestion at that time. Activation of points Li-20 and GV - 24 (which I referred from the book) provided immediate relief.I was so amazed with the result that I started referring to Acupressure for any ailment of my family members .
I started collecting as many books I could find on Acupressure and related
therapies, such as Acupuncture and Reflexology. All these books provided
me with theoretical knowledge. Then I came across Dr. H. Bhojraj’s
book “Acupressure and Fitness”. When I met Dr. H. Bhojraj,
he advised me to join the Acupressure and Fitness course held at
Institute of World Culture, Basavanagudi on May, 20, 2003. This course
provided me with practical knowledge.Later I joined the Advanced Course
in which I found the knowledge which was totally different from what I
had read in other books.I gained immense benefit
from the course.
would like to thank Dr. H. Bhojraj for teaching me this wonderful
3. Federico Zarragoicoechea - Dr. Bhojraj’s Method in Argentina
Hello Dr. Bhojraj,
I wish to thank you a lot for your very kind advise. One more time I must say the book (Acupressure – Drugless Path to Good Health) is wonderful.I tried some of your methods for cold and came out with surprising results. I need more experience with your method of treatment and would like to communicate with you. I am sure these methods work fine and quick.Thank you again. I’m sure I’ll have a lot of questions to you in near future which I will do, if you do not mind.
Zarragoicoechea (fedezarra@coopsal.com.ar) SALADILLO ARGENTINA
Dr. Bhojraj’s method of Acupressure in Argentina)
Life Membership Open
We are planning to release the Compendium of Case Histories (1998- 2002) along with our research results on Diabetes and Migraine.This booklet will be published before December 2003 and will be distributed free to all our life members.
To offset the cost of printing, we are accepting Life Membership to the Club for a limited period. The fee is Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five thousand only) and all the members of the family (spouse, unmarried children) will be treated with a nominal fee for all ailments.The Life Members will also get our Newsletter and other periodic publications at no charge.
Please come forward and support our dream to spread the drugless therapies to every nook and corner.Life Membership forms are available with Dr. Sujata Palyam.Those interested may please contact Dr. Sujata Palyam (Tel 6644 012).
ACUPRESSURE CLUB (Membership) Membership to Acupressure Club for 2004 is open.The membership is for one year (January to December).Those enrolled as members will be given FREE treatment for ailments once a month and are entitled to get the regularly published Acupressure Newsletter for one year FREE. The membership fee is Rs. 500/- per person.
Those interested in receiving only the Newsletter may enrol for one year @ Rs. 250/- per person.
Please contact our programme Coordinator Mr. Palyam Suresh (Tel : 318 61251) for enrolment.
Members who desire to renew their memberships for 2004 may also contact Mr. Palyam Suresh.
Acupressure Club announces the start of Treatment Camp for Lung related ailments from January 2004The camp will be conducted in Jayanagar ONCE in a MONTH from January to December 2004.
The treatment covers ailments like breathing problems, bronchial allergy, patrthenium allergy etc.
Those interested in enrolling for the Camp may contact Mr. Palyam Suresh (Tel : 316 61251 / 6644 012) before December 28, 2003.Those enrolled (Rs. 500/- for One year) will be given treatment without charges and are also entitled to copy of Acupressure Newsletter publication.
Treatment Camps
5PM to 7PM
General ,Migraine,Diabetic
& Knee pain
Month | General , Migraine & Diabetic Camp |
October 2003 | 26th (Sunday) |
November 2003 | 23rd (Sunday) |
December 2003 | 21st Sunday |
For appointment please call Tel : 6644012
Address : 598,11th Main, 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore—560 041
Diabetic patients :Please bring your Blood /Urine Analysis report without fail and the list of medicines and dosages you are currently taking.Diabetic Research (Successful Cases) Send your feed back ,comments and suggestions to Mr.P.Suresh to the above mentioned address.
days course (Monday to Friday, 6.30 PM to 8 PM)
Acupuncture Treatment in Mysore
Date : November
1, 2003, Time : 11 am to 1 pm.
Venue : Hotel
200/- per person
Contact Dr. Sujata Palyam : Tel 6644 012 (Bangalore)
1963, 8th Main, ‘E’ Block,Rajajinagar
II Stage
Bangalore - 560 010.
Contact Course Director .Tel : 332 6552