Dr.H.Bhojraj B.E (Hons),M.D (Acu)
Acupressure and Acupuncture Consultant![]()
Vol.14 Jul - Aug - Sep 2004 No.4 ![]()
the Course Director
PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE WITH “PRANAYAMA” The importance of breathing has to be understood by everyone, since the life force called ‘Prana or ‘Qi’ enters directly into the lungs for mixing with our subtle food energy circulated by the heart into the lungs. “Prana” is the energy, gross and subtle,which pervades the whole cosmos.It vibrates through all life from the flowers to human being, from the finest atom to the largest galaxy. This prana is the instrument of consciousness,which is contained in the breath without being the breath.The word prana refers to the energy, which is the basis of all life.This energy is psychic or astral in nature.This energy is absorbed directly through our breathing and also through the specific acu points in our body especially in the hands and legs.Acupressure or acupuncture uses these points for manipulating the energy for obtaining the balance in the body, emotion and energy. Though it is possible to balance the prana (energy) in the organs with acupuncture needles (which acts like an antenna) or acupressure (removing the energy blockage by pressing and releasing or massaging clockwise or anticlockwise) it can be absorbed through our breathing by adopting subtle breathing techniques known as ‘Pranayama’. Most important in pranayama is to cleanse or purify the lungs with a ‘kriya’ called “Kapala bhathi”.The second important breathing exercise is ‘Nadi Shuddhi’ or ‘Anuloma-Viloma’ pranayama.These two breathing exercise practiced for 15 minutes in empty stomach has the highest potential not only to cure any disease but can be a preventive technique for any future problems. Our past life actions may manifest in this life but if you can adopt these techniques, the consequences can be minimized. Well, those interested in learning pranayama can join our one day acupressure course conducted every month by our club. Please contact Mr. Suresh, Ph. 31861251 for details and venue. Dr. H. Bhojraj
![]() Advanced Acupuncture Course/Acupressure PublicationsACUPRESSURE CLUB (Membership Form) (Take a print out of this form and send.) Case Histories Diabetes Diabete Research Results (2003) Due to cost constraints, we have decided in principle to discontinue printing the newsletter and not to send it by post to the members. However, case histories given by members will be updated every two months on ourweb site http://bhojraj.tripod.com. I thank all the life members, advance course trainees and the people who have supported our Club activities to propogate these Self-help Techniques to common people. We will try to revive our research activities as soon as possible. Your continued support and co-operation will be highly appreciated by our research team. Dr.
H. Bhojraj
by appointment only.
P.S. We request the members / readers to please send us their comments, suggestions,etc. which will greatly help us make the Newsletter more informative / interesting. |
A note of appreciation:
A really informative site with loads of case studies. It is great to see someone who is willing to share his "Secrets" so openly and freely. Keep it up.
I read your wonderful book on Acupressure and Fitness and was greatly impressed by the contents.On seeing the website address in the book (bhojraj.tripod.com) I went through the site and I was delighted to see the openness in spreading the acupressure cure for many ailments.I am interested in short term acupressure course.Mr. Vivekbhat
Email- vivekbhat-@hotmail.com
Says Mr. Pramod Shankar
D 10/1, Vijay Kiran
Apts., 32, Victoria Road,
Bangalore – 560
Ph: 25543052
Age 41 years
I am very grateful to Dr. Bhojraj for giving me the confidence in curing myself from this dreaded disease called Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Also know as Motor neuron disease.
It started with nervous disorder at the age of thirteen and I have been treated for this with allopathic medication.But for the past 14 years, I was treated by a specialist in neurology. In spite of the medicines, my muscle loss was observed and the degeneration was taking place very gradually.I was not able to walk and the breathing becomes very heavy on exertion.
The allopathic specialist was so nice to explain to me the problem and with open mind, he asked me to try any other alternative therapy, which can help me recover from these symptoms.
Fortunately, one of my friends who had got immense relief and cure for his heart related problem with acupuncture treatment suggested me to try my luck with Dr. Bhojraj.
The first treatment started in September 2003 and he explained in the beginning itself, the duration required for improvement would be minimum of six months.The treatments for the first three months were repeated every fortnight and then every month.
I observed gradual reduction of my pain and weakness of muscles. I was able to work for 12 hours without getting tired and my breathing also was normal even after exertion.The muscle strength gradually improved and my bones on my hand were covered with fat and muscles within 6 months.
I had undergone Electromyogram EMG with the specialist and he confirmed that the change was arrested and was not progressing.
Though sometimes I feel tired, I got the confidence that I could solve the problem. Dr. Bhojraj taught me the acupressure points for daily activation and pranayama techniques which I have been doing everyday.
Once again, I thank Dr. Bhojraj for giving me a new life and I enjoy my work with this new confidence. My wife who knows the whole story wants to thank Dr. Bhojraj for showing me the right direction for recovery.
Course Director’s comments
Motor neuron disease known as Lou Gehrig’s disease or ALS – Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis is degenerative neurological disorder, which is not curable according to Allopathic System.
Muscles waste away,since the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement gradually deteriorates.Sensory and intellectual functioning remains normal though motor neurons are affected.
It could have been caused by defective gene that prevents the body from producing a normal amount of an enzyme called superoxide dismutase (SOD). This enzyme helps to neutralize free radicals of highly reactive oxygen produced during metabolism and capable of damaging body tissues.
A healthy neuron or nerve cell transmits electrical signals from the brain to skeletal muscle, causing contractions that result in movements. But a neuron affected by disease withers and dies, essentially leaving the muscle stranded without stimulus for motion.
Mr. Pramod was given yin wind increase, which activates the Liver, and in turn muscles are stimulated throughout the nervous system. Since no medicine was taken by him for the past one year and the deterioration was also arrested, there is a big scope for total recovery in few years. His case will be monitored by our research team for few more years. Liv-1 Lu-7 ¯ H-8 P-9.
Says Sri I.V.B.S.
CHENNAI – 600082
PHONE (RESI) 26700507
I have
been suffering from cervical spondilosis for the last four years.This
time I suffered a severe pain and stiff neck for more than four days and
I consulted my family doctor .He had given painkillers and a balm to apply
but which has not given any relief. I came to know about Acu pressure
through my uncle and approached Dr. J. Jayalakshmi on 22/07/04.In
one sitting I got excellent relief and traveled to Kutralam
the very next day.This personal experience
made me learn this divine art and immediately I went through the
course conducted by Dr. J. Jayalakshmi from 26/07/04 to 31/07/04.
I am very thankful to Dr. J. Jayalakshmi both for healing and teaching
ISRO Engineer Mr. Nateshan Murthy,
ISAC, Vimanapura,
– 560 017,
Ph: 25083336.
in ISRO were exposed to these simple healing techniques by Dr. H. Bhojraj
with his earlier book and I have been practicing the acupressure pointing
on myself and also my relatives to solve some of the common ailments like
cold, cough, headache, neck pain etc.
his scientific book on Acupressure – ‘The drugless
path to good health’ motivated few of us to take up the advance
course in Acupuncture. During February / March 2004, one of my close family
friends called me for relief from frozen shoulder for a patient in Chennai.
Mrs. Parimala Devi aged about 62 years was even admitted to the hospital and givencortisone injection on her shoulder but could not get much relief as expected. She was treated with Physiotherapy for almost for one year but without much improvement.
I was called to Chennai for giving Acupuncture treatment and with the knowledge imparted by Dr. Bhojraj, I activated the following points as given in the book for frozen shoulder.
¯ Lu-5 L-10 ¯Lu-9 P-3.
In the first sitting itself the pain reduced. Same treatment was repeated every month for 4 months and I myself could not believe the results.
The patient and all her family members were stunned to see the effect of a tiny needle, which has done wonders for frozen shoulder. Her daughter was working as Professor in Madras Medical College observing our treatment and her mother’s cure was very much appreciative of acupuncture and self help acupressure for keeping fit.
we follow the book for any ailment and many cases have been cured by adopting
the formula given in the book.
Course Director’s comment
shoulder is mainly due to lung coldness energy, which is excessive in that
meridian.Lung coldness reduction and Lung heat increase will immediately
release the muscles.With self acupressure and physiotherapy, the patient
will get cured within a month or two.Those suffering from frozen shoulder
contact Mr. Nateshan Murthy Ph. (R) 25353317 or Mr. Bhoopalan 25353018
Says Mrs. L. Manonmani, Engr. ISAC
I have been suffering from back pain especially during my periods and I consulted Mr. Bhoopalan for this problem to find a solution with Acupressure.
He gave me acupuncture treatment only once and my back pain was almost cured from that day. That suffering during my periods reduced after the treatment.
Though, we can get best treatment in Allopathic as Government Employees, this drugless therapy has given us the confidence to cure without much medication.
NB: Mr. Bhoopalan can be contacted at Ph. No. 25083336 in ISAC and residence at Ph. No. 25353018.
Says Mrs. S. Radha, Engr. ISRO
I was having hyper acidity and was suffering from abdominal pain for nearly two weeks. Our doctor prescribed antacid tablets, which gave me some relief.
Knowing that acupressure can work, I asked Mr. Bhoopalan to try my case. The relief after two sittings was nearly 100% and I activate the LI-4 point whenever I feel little discomfort. Now, we all believe in this drugless therapy and would like to introduce many people to this treatment.
Course Director’s comment
the relief is there with acupuncture patients are advised to undergo relevant
tests as per the Doctors advice to rule out any underlying cause, which
needs long term treatment.
Says ISRO Engineer, Mr. KAMALJEET SINGH, 29 years Ph. 25083336.
I was having back pain for the past seven years and I have tried Allopathy, homeopathy, magnetic treatment for so many years but without much satisfaction of relief. My colleague Mr. Bhoopalan who has taken advance course in Acupuncture gave me treatment for just two days. The relief, I got was unbelievable. He also taught me acupressure points for back pain, which I activate regularly and my pain relief is nearly 80% in a scale of 100.
I used to get headaches often and get some relief with tablet. After the acupuncture treatment for headache, I stopped taking tablets and my headaches also very rarely bother me now.
I must acknowledge and appreciate the instant relief I got for my chest pain (Heart burning) due to hyper acidity with acupuncture in this feedback.
I thank Mr. Bhoopalan who has taken up this course with Dr. Bhojraj and available during working hours for giving acupuncture treatment for any problem.
Treatment given as pulse diagnosis
Pain ¯ Sp-3
Liv-1 ¯ Lu-8
LI-1 ¯ SI-5
Burning ¯ St-36
St-43 ¯ St-45
Dr. H. Bhojraj
The Deccan Herald, April 7,2004
Simply Walk Maadi Walking for health and Fitness; Dr. H. Bhojraj (Bangalore; Acupressure Club, pp 108, Rs. 100).
“Long term fitness means developing cardiovascular fitness, for which all you need to do is plan a programme that suits your needs and motivate yourself to do it.
The book offers you guidelines that you need to keep in mind before getting into a fitness routine.”
BMP Commissioner praises the book on "Walking"
Shri Suresh,
have gone through Dr. Bhojraj’s book on “walking” with great interest.
It makes truely enjoyable reading and is a lovely addition to the literature
on promoting healthy lifestyles! I hope you will be able to bring out a
Kinnada edition of the book very soon as a service to the people of Bangalore
and the State.
With Best wishes,
Sreenivasa Murthy)
Bangalore Mahanagara Palike.
Simply Walk Maadi !
A book of about 100 pages, exclusively on the advantages of Walking is published .This publication contain all aspects of WALKING – Method,Frequency, Speed, Do’s and Don’ts, Timing etc.– and is useful for one and all (age, health condition, profession no bar).This booklet also covers health tips, tons of Single Point Solutions (Acupressure) illustrated sketches/ diagrams etc. for easy understanding and follow up,insight into the walking process for cardiovascular fitness.(Simply Walk Maadi).
The book is released in January 2004 and avilable for sale..
Contents of the book:SIMPLI WALK MAADI
Training heart rate - Recording table |
Book your bulk requirements:
Contact :Dr.H.Bhojraj (2332 6552)
Mr. Palyam Suresh
598/1 (upstairs), 11th Main, 5th Block
Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 041
Tel : 26644 012
1. Acupressure Newsletter helps
I am a regular reader of our Acupressure Newsletter . The front article from the course director’s desk on ‘SIMPLY WALK MAADI’ helped me to kickstart my mornig walk program again especially after getting relieved of my heel pain.
I thank Dr. Bhojraj for the treatment and wish him all success in the pursuit of making the path of drugless therapy reach the common man .
2. Acupressure training course at ISRO during December 2003.
Feed back from the participants :
a)S. Venugopalan Ph. No. 2666 0527. A very comprehensive presentation was given. I have attended the course on earlier occasions. Every time I attend the course I get new inputs of how to practice acupressure effectively. This time it is like a refresher for me.
b) Bijay Kumar Behera Ph. No. 9845047524. The simple techniques demonstrated in the class will be useful in maintaining a healthy life. Practicing for a length of time can assess the results.
c) K. Tirumala Rao Ph. No.9845266835. Though I could not attend one class still I found the course very amazing & surprising. I could get relief from my neck pain after practicing acupressure by myself.
d) A.V. Suresh Ph. No.2522 2679. Acupressure course is very informative and useful. & was very interesting. I could learn many easy acupressure techniques for the cure as well as keeping good health. It is a technique, which is easy to follow.
e) M. Ramesh Ph 2508 3116. This course made me very active in my daily life. & I could refresh my knowledge about acupressure and started practicing. Now I am treating my family members for minor problems.
f) Lokesh Kumar Garg Ph. No.2523 6164. The course is very good. My cough has been improved after practicing acupressure. It is really very good & feel better after work. Small problems like pain, cough,headache etc., can be cured without any medicine using these simple techniques is taught by Dr. Bhojraj.
g) Jiwan Kumar Pandit Ph. No.9845378962 (Mobile). A very good course/ training which is very useful for living a healthy life. The ideas in this therapy need to be spread at the common level. Especially the presentation with (technical issues) techno - medical explanation is really worth appreciating.
h) C.H. Channabasappa The course was very useful. I am practicing acupressure points regularly to get relieved from my knee pain.
i) Dhananjay W. Tijare Ph. No.2524 5405. The course is very useful. I would like to have experience in acupressure therapy. Although the duration of course was small it has given me very good information on do-it-yourself acupressure therapy.
j) Gaikwad K. Laxman Ph. No.2535 0913. Through acupressure course I have learnt acupressure points that are very useful for my personal health care and also I can treat my family members. It is very useful if this type of classes are conducted often.
k) Virendra Kumar Ph. No.2535 0618. The course is very useful. My wife was suffering from back pain and after this acupuncture treatment my wife has improved a lot. I am thankful to Mr. Bhojraj.
l) P.P. Gupta Ph. No.2364 0691. I attended a good number of times this short course for years & every time I felt I learned quite a few things more. I must appreciate your efforts for the welfare of ISAC staff. & extend my warm & sincere thanks to you. Wish you & your family an extremely peaceful & healthy life. I am sure I will be able to help people.
m) Natesh Murthy Ph. No.2535 3317. This is an excellent course. This will help not only the individual and the organization. But huge medical bills of kith and kin can be saved. This type of course should be held often. Since it is outside office hours it is welcome to conduct the course at least once a month and each and every individual should make use of this opportunity, which has come to the individual free of cost. The same briefing will cost thousands of rupees to the individual.
n) Y. Padmaja Ph. No.2522 2539. The acupressure classes were so useful to everybody particularly for the children. I was suffering from severe headache in the class. Immediately I remembered the acupressure point, which Mr. Bhojraj explained and applied the acupressure technique and my headache vanished. I was very much surprised. I will implement this technique for my family members and friends will get benifited to maximum extent. I am very thankful to Mr. Bhojraj for his excellent explanation.
o) Rathnakar Ph. 2508 3125. I really find this course is very useful. In fact I am also treating people with acupressure points whenever I got an opportunity. Many of them got immediate relief. Whenever they got the result I requested them to give the feedback to Mr. Bhojraj & I thank him for teaching me the acupressure therapy, which is really useful to me and also to the society.
p) Anuradha S. Prakasha Ph. No.5233816. Better understanding of the various aspects of acupressure and its scope for holistic treatment achieved. Duration for the course can be increased to provide better understanding and also for practicing some of the techniques. Some of the ideas need to be practiced for getting clarity, as identifying the meridian points is the key factor. On the whole, course was good and should be conducted for rejuvenation.
D. Bhoopalan Ph. No.2535 3018. This course is very much informative
and useful to keep our health in good condition throughout our lifetime
and to help others too.
A follow-up class was organized by Acupressure club on from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm. The class was attended by nearly 60 people and the revision of the course was done by Dr. Bhojraj and other faculty members.
Many people shared their experience of Acupressure cure after learning the course for self and other family members.
Dr. Prabhakar has introduced Radionics – vibrational medicine to the participants.
Next follow-up class will be conducted on 9th October 2004 in Adarsha Vanitha Samaja from 09.30 am to 12.30 pm.
Those interested for the follow-up course may contact Mr. Suresh 31861251 for registration.
An introductory course on Acupressure was conducted by Acupressure Club on 5th September in Jayanagar, which made a good beginning for one day course.IT professionals can attend one day course and keep practicing the techniques as preventive therapy. The course was designed with acupressure practicals and pranayama. We will be organizing one day course for those people who are very busy but wants to keep themselves healthy. The next course will be organized in The Institution of Engineers. Those interested can contact Mr. Suresh 31861251 and confirm their registration.
We have planned a Monthly Meeting of all those who have undergone the Advanced Course in Acupuncture/Acupressure, once a month on Second Saturday of every month at 5-30 pm at the residence of the Course Director. This is being done to have regular interaction among all those who have been giving treatment to various ailments and also have have a common forum for exchange of experiences, clarifications and updating of knowledge on Drugless Therapies. The first meeting held on May 8, 2004. Please confirm your participation.