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- Scientist Healer ![]() |
It has been a great moment for everyone of us associated with the second book, 'Acupressure - The Drugless Path to Good Health' which was released by Swami Swaswaroopananda from Nilgiris on 8th July 2001 in the auditorium of the Indian Institute of World Culture, Basavanagudi, Bangalore. The seed which was sown six years back in my mind has grown into a tree in the form of a book which can give the fruits to everyone who practices these techniques given in the book. As I started training people in these advanced techniques, the book also got refined in many ways. Many revisions were made after getting scrutinized by competent people and the ultimate outcome was really satisfying to all of us who worked for this task. Still a few corrections were seen on the final print which evaded our eyes and I request all our members to give their comments which can be incorporated in the next print.
On 22nd July 2001, The Times of India, Bangalore edition has carried an article on our book release function and I would like to express my sincere thanks to the editor for exposing our efforts to the Bangaloreans. Reviews of the book are likely to appear in leading dailies and I certainly hope this book will fetch its place in health series published on drugless therapies by different authors.
I take this opportunity to thank all the members who responded to my appeal for booking the edition months in advance which set the ball rolling for the final print.
Presently the book is being sold directly till August 31, 2001 and the book is also available with M/s. Gangaram’s, M.G. Road, M/s. Sankars, Airport Book Stall and with M/s Higginbothams, M.G.Road, Bangalore, Karnataka.
I wish you all a healthy, happy and long life with high productivity for yourself and our country.
Release Function - July 8, 2001
of Article by ' The
Times of India' Bangalore
22nd July, 2001.
The Drugless Path to Good Health' by
Dr. H. Bhojraj
: Indian Institute of World Culture, Basavangudi,Bangalore,Karnataka,India
Left to right : Sri
B. Janarttanan, GM, Khoday Group of Companies
(Chairman, Organising Committee), Dr. Surendra
Pal, Deputy Director, ISRO Satellite
Centre, Swami Swaswaroopananda,
S. Vishwanath, Deputy Director, NAL,
Bangalore and Dr.H.Bhojraj
at the release of the book 'ACUPRESSURE -
The Drugless Path to Good Health' on July
8, 2001 at the Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore,Karnataka,India.
The Acupressure Club, Bangalore,had organised a well attended book releasing ceremony last week. The book ‘Acupressure - The drugless path to good health’ authored by Dr. H. Bhojraj. An engineer by profession with ISRO, Dr. Bhojraj got his MD (Acu) from the Open International University of Complementary Medicines, Sri Lanka under the guidance of the world renowned Acu therapist Lord Dr. Anton Jayasurya.
This is his second book, the first being ‘Acupressure and Fitness’ now available on the web, (log on to bhojraj.tripod.com). Prompted by his colleagues, friends and by those who underwent treatment and courses, Dr. Bhojraj took-up the task of writing this book which gives vivid, illustrated and easy to follow methods of acupressure treatment. Speaking after releasing the book, Swami Swaswaroopananda emphsaised the need to understand the importance of considering the mind, body and soul as one unit, particularly in curing ailments. Dr. Surendra Pal narrated his experiences and the kind of relief he got after getting treated by acupressure. Dr. S. Vishwanath shared his experiences the immense help he received from the drugless therapies and advocated strongly the wide adopton of the drugless methods for cure.
More than a dozen people shared their experiences in the drugless therapy. Mr. Ashok Popli from Delhi greatly appreciated the work done by Dr. Bhojraj. Dr. J. Jayalakshmi from Chennai, a practicing Homeopath for over three decades endorsed the immense advantages of acupuncture and acupressure.
Dr. Bhojraj is a qualified yoga therapist, a reiki master and a pranic healer. Begining with courses on Pranayama and meditation techniques for general public since 1982, Dr. Bhojraj has contibuted to Yoga therapy as an instructor at the Vivekananda Kendra, Bangalore. He has undergone Pranic healing course and initiates forReiki as Reiki Master.
He joined ISRO
in 1972 and presently heads the Thermal
Fabrication Division of ISRO. He fabricated
first satellite Aryabhatta in 1972,
optical solar reflector as well as flexible
heaters for satellite thermal controls.
His current areas of research
include cryogenic dewars, metal finishing
and thin film coatings.
I had
gone through your new book, which is very informative and useful as a ready
recokner for the practitioners particularly to new persons in Acupressure
or Acupuncture.
S. Nagendran
Chairman Indian Holistic Medical Academy Thanjavur - 613 006 Ph. 0432-32655 |
is a benign growth of cells in the
walls of the uterus
usually affecting women over 40
years, till they reach menopause.
Quite often there are no symptoms.
However, there may be pain and excessive
menstrual bleeding,
also more frequent menstruation,
bleeding between periods and an
increase in vaginal discharge. Anaemiamay
Energy circulation
inside the uterus is affected and stagnated energy allows the cells to
grow inside since the kidney supplies nutrition to the uterus.
If fibroids
are troublesome, causing bleeding and discomfort, they are usually removed
A painful condition in which the shoulder joint becomes stiff. It usually occurs between 50 and 70 years of age. The pain and stiffness onsiderably limit the normal movement of the joint.
Excessive coldness
in the lungs is the main reason for frozen shoulder.
My friend Rohini called me at 11 pm to treat a girl in her house who was her guest. The girl was aged 20 years. Rohini told me that the girl was struggling for breath. She had an Asthmatic attack. She did not want to trouble me in the night. So she called an Allopathic doctor who came to her house and gave her Deriphillin injection. But it was of no use. She could not stand the suffering that the girl was undergoing. She was much worried. Hence she called me.
When I went to her house, I found that the patient was in a condition called “Status Asthmation”. Normally in this condition, neither tablets nor injection will help and the patient has to be put on drips. The girl could not even use the inhaler since her breathlesness was great. Her condition was so bad that she could not even speak a word. She was gasping for breath. She had wheezing and slight temperature too.
She was given acupressure at the point B 13 for a few minutes. She felt little better. Then the acupuncture was given at sub-system level i.e., - on Lung Meridian only. She started recovering slowly and after 30 minutes she became completly free from her breathlessness. She walked upto the front gate to see me off This happened a month back and till today there is no recurrence of the attack.
The points treated:
Lu- 8 ¯Lu-10Lu- 5¯ P- 6 ¯
For treatment at Chennai,
Dr. J. Jayalakshmi,
38A / 5, Venkataraman Street,
T. Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017,Tamil
Phone: +91- 44- 823 1832
Acupressure Treatment for: |
30th August 2001. Venue:1963,
8th Main Road,‘E’ Block, II Stage,
Contact: Dr.
H. Bhojraj Tel:332
6552 332 4653
15 Days Intensive Course: 6 pm to 8 pm and one year practical training. For advance course in Jayanagar during Nov./ Dec. 2001 contact : Smt.
Sujata Palyam Ph.
6644 012