Dr.H.Bhojraj B.E
(Hons),M.D (Acu)
and Acupuncture Consultant
the Course Director
Head Ache
Auricular Therapy (Ear Acupressure)Memory improvement
- Due to high B.P
- Head ache due to digestive problem
- Headache due to Stomach problem
- Head ache due to Spleen Weakness
- Head ache due to Small intestine weakness
- Head ache due to Bladder weakness
- Head ache due to Heart/Pericardium Weakness
- Head ache due to lung weakness
Respiratory SystemIRIDOLOGY
(Take a print out of this form and send.)
Membership open till 15th March 2002 for Diabetic patients.Free treatment once a month till January 2003.Patients must come with FBS/PPBS report every month for treatment.Your identity will not be disclosed.A code number will be given to all participants.Sugar levels will be published in our Newsletter from April 2002 onwards.
![]() KNOWLEDGE OF THIS HEALING SCIENCE We have been propagating the knowledge of this healing science in various forums by lecture programme or training programmes. We never try to question the principle on which the pain killer or a steroid tablet works but we ask how an acupuncture point can relive the pain when all specialists have declared the disease such as migraine which cannot be cured at all. It is mainly due to the education system which glorifies the research conducted in USA and other countries. We appreciate very much the modern research since it documents the process very clearly and forms a universal standard to treat a disease. In fact we are finding it difficult to sell this simple technology to the majority of the population, specially in the rural areas, where the injections and a handful of medicines rule the roast. Nature reveals the priceless secrets to those who have taken time to add to this knowledge, either from observation and experience, by following the precepts laid down by others, or through the study of books. In fact. me and nw colleagues in ISRO were laughing at Dr. Jiten Bhatt (my Acupressure Guru) during his lecture programme conducted 15 years back. I even thought, no doctor would be required on the earth if the claim was true. But our own experiment with knowledge gives us the wisdom in this drugless field and it has to be properly documented to make it a scientific study. Wisdom only conies from experience or the application of knowledge we have absorbed from the books. If you are armed with this knowledge on drugless therapies you will be able to overcome the obstacles and solve your health problems in a better way.
spread this healing science. Absorb the knowledge from our book Acupressure
- The Drugless Path to Good Health and experiment on yourself and your
family members. If you are convinced, create a record of your observations
and spread it in your neighborhood.
Controlled experiment for Diabetes with the sole aim of curing Diabetes or atlcast reducing the medicine input has been initiated this year and our experiment results will be declared on World Diabetes Day on 14th November 2002. Those people who have past history of Diabetes, or even recently detected Diabetes, taking oral medicine or insulin dependent, can become members of our club and avail the free treatment once in a month with FBS/ PPBS records. The self help techniques will also be taught to the patients during acupuncture treatment. “He who knows others is learned; He who knows himself is wise.” Lao-Tse
With best wishes
Dr. H. Bhojraj Course Director Address:
Consultation by appointment only. Timings: Week Days 6 to 8 pm Sat & Sundays 9 to 11 am |
![]() says Mr
A. Prabhu, Kotagiri
As I have learnt all these techniques
of Acuprcssure from Dr. Bhojraj during my stay in Bangalore, I try the
techniques on myself, my family members and some of my close friends. When
I received the last Newsletter which contained the point for shoulder pain,
I really had some pain near the shoulder blade which was nagging me for
few weeks though not severe. I gave acupressure at the shoulder point indicated
in the ear while going through the Newsletter. To my surprise, the pain
vanished and I didn’t experience it till I wrote the case history and reported
the results to the Course Director. Thanks for the continuous input through
Newsletter which motivates us to try all these new techniques.
says Amruthavalli,
For the past eight months I
have been taking acupuncture treatment from Smt. Sujata Palyam of Jayanagar
and have been able to attend to all the household chores myself Earlier,
for more than three years, I was suffering from severe pains in the joints,
particularly’ on the palm and was finding it difficult to hold a cup of
coffee in my hands. I was also suffering from pain in the heels and was
finding it very difficulty to walk even 10 metres. When all medication
and consultation with specialists did not give any relief, I came across
the news of acupressure treatment being given in Jayanagar through my sister
who is staying in Vysya Bank Colony. Though I had some hesitation in the
beginning of the treatment, I decided to try it as a last chance. To my
great surprise and also the surprise of my family members, the pains started
to receed from the very first sitting itself .I have continued the treatment
for the past 8 months and have got great relief without any medication.
I am thankful to Smt. Sujata for treating me. I am now able to walk effortlessly
for 2 to 3 kms apart from attending to all my household work. I have great
faith in this drugless method and have been advising all my friends and
relatives to make use of the wonderful treatment.a housewife from JP Nagar III Phase. |
![]() Says Dr
J. JayaIakshmi,Chennai
My 27 years old daughter Srividya,
working as an Executive in an IT Company, Bangalore, suffered from tonsillitis
problem in her childhood.Homeopathic medicines solved her problem at that
time. She had no problem for many years.
But after coming to Bangalore, she had often sore throat due to chill weather. Homeopathic medicines helped her to a certain extent. The recurrence of problem increased. An ENT specialist was consulted and antibiotics were prescribed. It helped her twice but when the same problem came for the third time, the antibiotics did not help her. The ENT specialist advised her surgery. The time for surgery was more or less fixed. At that time I had just finished my Advanced course in Acupressure I Acupuncture with Dr. Bhojraj in Bangalore, I gave her Acupressure treatment and taught her the points also. I advised her to do the preventive and curative treatment for her problem. The surgery was cancelled since her problem was solved. Now she has no problem with her throat. If at all once a while, she has any, she activates the points herself and solves the problem immediately. The treatment was given in the Lung Meridian. Lu
![]() For More Case Histories , see our News Letters and Acupressure Book |
By Dr H Bhojraj (PART 2)* Modem
Iridology was pioneered by Dr. Bernard Jensen of USA, who developed a map
of the iris that represents the placement of organs and tissues. The iris
is divided into seven zones; the right iris is comparable to the right
side of the body; the left, to the left side. There are 90 known specific
areas on each iris and each iris is different.
Coloured spots on the eye can be psora and/or drug deposits. Psora are heavy dark patches which are usually inherited. Drug spots are smaller and different in colour. Chemical deposits — including those from drugs — show up in bright yellow; red, orange and other colours. They are normally scattered about and found mostly in the digestive zone and the glandular zone. ![]() On the map of the iris, the digestive system is the hub, the stomach being the first area and the intestine in the second (refer our Nov. 2001 issue). This is because all nutrients that sustain body tissue are obtained from the digestive process. The second zone is normally darker than other parts of the iris as this is where greatest amount of toxicity is found. Dark areas on the colon region indicates that waste materials are not removed very well. A change of diet or cleansing will help to remove these dark pockets which indicates the colon efficiency. Healing can be observed through the iris with white lines come forth. Healing lines often appear in the intestinal area and lead to healing in other areas. How to diagnose or analyse these results? To
make an accurate diagnosis, a photograph of each iris should be taken,
preferably through a digital camera (eye specialists can help). These can
be compared with photographs taken later for signs of healing and change.
A transparent overlay of the iris and correspondences made. One can make
personal observations of the iris with a magnifying glass and light.
* Continued
from Vol. 9, No. 11, November 2001
It is a severe form of neuralgia (nerve pain) that can affect all the divisions of the trigeminal nerve. It affects women more commonly than men, especially those over the age of 50. It causes severe pain of a burning or cutting nature. which can be constant or spasmodic and may be provoked by simple actions by heat such as eating or or cold, The skin of the face may be inflamed and the eye becomes red and watery. This nerve pain is usually confined to one side. The condition is debilitating in that the pain is intense and interferes with sleeping and eating. Normally, allopathy system gives anti convulsant drug carbamazepine which is beneficial in the initial stage. ![]() This problem can be treated in acupuncture by strengthening the energy in the stomach meridian. Nearly
8 cases for Trigeminal Neuralgia have shown very good results and the maintenance
dose of Tegretols is reduced. The fonnula adopted was Yang humidity increase
in one
Yin Humidity increase St-36 ¯GB-4l LI-1 TW-lO Yin Hotness reduction ¯P-6 K-10 ¯Sp-3 ¯CV Hotness For Exact location, please refer our new publication ACUPRESSURE - The Drugless Path to Good Health, available at M/s. Gangarams, Bangalore N.B. Patients who have
taken treatment are requested to give feedback to the Course Director.
from previous issue
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM For Cough, Chest pain, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping cough, Pneumonia. Activate the painful points
2 to 4 times with your thumb or a match stick (head region) and give us
the feedback if you are successful in treating respratory problems.
Diabetes Treatment camp starts on Feb.17th at No.598,11th Main, 5th Block,Jaya Nagar,Bangalore-560 041 and the time is 1530 Hrs to 1700 Hrs.The course will be conducted by Dr.H.Bhojraj. For registration, contact 6644012.
Kind Attention : Diabetic Patients
a member of Acupressure Club and avail FREE treatment for ONE year (2002).
Details Contact: Mrs. Sujata 6644 012 or Smt. Bharathi Gupta : 6640 875