Vol.11 September - October 2002 No.5
Dr.H.Bhojraj B.E (Hons),M.D (Acu)
Acupressure and Acupuncture Consultant
the Course Director
for Migraine,Diarrhoea,Cough and Ringing in the ear
Announcements CampsPublications ACUPRESSURE CLUB (Membership Form) (Take a print out of this form and send.)Membership open till 15th March 2002 for Diabetic patients. Free treatment once a month till January 2003. Patients must come with FBS/PPBS report every month for treatment.Your identity will not be disclosed.A code number will be given to all participants.Sugar levels will be published in our Newsletter from April 2002 onwards.Click here. |
the Course Director's Desk....
Have you reached your full potential ? Very few people do. The most meaningful thing you can give for your existance, is to reach your full potential.For some people, it is the blind area.Neither the individual knows about it nor others could point out their potential.But when we join some personality development course,a few of these areas to reach your full potential will be indicated.Throughout our life, we keep learning.Many new products, many new findings,instant information,one can observe the things as they happen in any part of the world,are some of the modern day achievements.But do you require all these data ? Is it not sufficient to concentrate on what you can do for yourself and others at the first place ? Well.It requires thinking.IBM,a fortune 500 company has one main word written and kept all over their office; i.e.“THINK”.The thinking part is done by our mind. Thoughts are generated from the base of the mind and are stored in the brain. At appropriate time, the stored thought is either spoken or written down to give a final shape of the thought.Creative poems, creative songs,creative dances, creative movies, creative research ideas are all the thought process evoloved from the base of this silenced mind.Silencing mind is natural for a few people but difficuilt to many.However,it can be cultivated by practicing certain techniques reguraly.If you have started practicing our simple meditation technique taught in our introductory classes,you will start observing your creative ability within 6 months to one year.One should become more creative and live to fulfil those big dreams so that one can stay healthy and live longer.Dreams for the upliftment of the society can be realised only when all people work together with the common goal of creating a peaceful and hard working society for a better living.
Eat and exercise regularly to stay fit.Have plenty of fresh air and take fresh fruits depending on the season.Choose a congenial occupation and develop an enjoying personality.Maintain high level of personal hygine and get plenty of rest to recover from the daily wear and tare.Enjoy your responsibility and take care of yourself by getting proper medical attention and care in the begining.Add your drugless therapies along with any system.
Stay healthy and contribute your best by obtaining your ultimate potential in life.
The results of the Diabetic Camp are exhibited in our web Site (http://bhojraj.tripod.com) in PDF Format. This data will be updated every month as the results pour in.
best wishes
Dr. H. Bhojraj
Course DirectorAddress:
1963, 8th Main, ‘E’ Block,Rajajinagar
II Stage
Bangalore - 560 010.
Tel : 332 6552 / 332
Email : acu_bgl@yahoo.co.in
Website :http://bhojraj.tripod.com
by appointment only.
Timings: Week
Days 6 to 8 pm
Sat & Sundays 9 to 11 am
request the members / readers to please send us their comments, suggestions,
etc. which will greatly help us make the Newsletter more informative /
interesting. Kindly mail all correspondances related to the Diabetes
Camp to our Programme Coordinator Mr. P. Suresh at the
following address : 598, 11th Main, 5th Block, Jayanagar,Bangalore
- 560 041. Tel : 663 8091
stone "Vanished" -With in 12 days.
Says Dr. Shyamala Kumaraswamy,a practicing Homeopath of Chennai. Tel : (044)4403604.E-Mail : comalkumar@vsnl.net
Case 1 : A patient had - severe pain in low back on both sides and severe pain in low abdomen region. He tried on medicines both allopathic and homoepthaic for the pain, for about a week. Both the treatments did not do any good to him. He was advised to have his kidney and bladder scanned for suspected stones. The results showed 0.8mm stones in his both kidneys and 0.4mm stone in his bladder. He decided to go in for Acupressure treatment.
Pressure was applied to decrease Yin coldness in these following schedule. Treatment every 4th day — that is : 1st-, 4th-, 8th and 12th days. The pain was found to be reducing. Hence at the end of 12th day, second scanning was done for a review and the result was NO TRACE OF ANY STONES IN BOTH KIDNEYS AND BLADDER.
Case 2 : A lady reported to have Gallbladder Stone, Calculus 3.4mm and Sand like gravels in the kidneys. The symptoms included very painful left lower back and could not bend or sit for more than 10 minutes, urethra painful while urinating, right hand feeling numb and the back pain radiates to left side of abdomen and left leg.
The treatment given by Acupressure for galbladder stones was, first week Yang coldness decrease, in the second week it was Yin coldness decrease and during the third and fourth weeks it was Yang coldness decrease. It was found that the pain was on the decreasing trend and at the end of fourth week’s treatment scanning was done. This revealed no trace of stone in the gall bladder and sand like gravels in kidneys.
Says Mr. B. Krishna Reddy, Charted Engineer, Bangalore.
Through “The Times of India” newspaper I came to know that Acupressure Club of Bangalore is arranging free treatment and guidance for one year on monthly basis for diabetic patients from February 2002. After obtaining the details,I joined the Camp and received the first treatment on 24-2-2002. As per the test report on 23-2-2002, my blood sugar was 200 mgs% (PPBS) and urine sugar 1%. After the first treatment, when tested on 14-3-2002, the blood sugar level PPBS was 120 and urine sugar Nil.During this period I have not changed any of my oral medication or exercises and activated the Acupressure points shown to me regularly.While coming for the third treatment.I checked my blood sugar level and the PPBS was 120-130 mgs%, which is within the normal range.Now I am advised to reduce my medication by half.
I am fully satisfied with the acupuncture treatment for which I am grateful to Dr. Bhojraj.
Dr. J.Jayalakshmi.Chennai
My daughter Srividya suffered from tonsillitis problem in her childhood. Homoeopathic medicines solved her problem at that time. She had no problem for many years.
Now she is 27 years old and working in a private company in Bangalore as an Executive. Quite often she had sore throat because of the chill weather. Homoeopathic medicines helped her to a certain extent. The recurrence of problem increased. An ENT specialist was consulted and antibiotics were prescribed. That too helped her only two times. When the same problem came for the third time, the antibiotics did not help her. The ENT specialist advised her surgery. More or less the time for surgery was also fixed.
At that time I had just finished my Advanced course in Acupressure /Acupuncture. I gave her Acupressure treatment and taught her the points also. I advised her to do the preventive and curative treatment for her problem. The surgery was cancelled since her problem was solved. Now she has no problem with her throat. If at all once a while, she has any, she activates the points herself and solves the problem immediately.
The treatment was given in the Lung Meridian.
Says B. Bhagirathi,Plot No. 8, Lakshmi Nagar, Chennai,Tel : 2247913
I was suffering from migraine with a peculiar symptom of burning sensation since 18 years. I had the burning confined to a particular spot, that is behind the ears. Sometimes I had a pulling sensation, sometimes with throbling pain in the temple region. X-rays, CT scans and many pathological investigations, running from pillar to post, simply spending money in thousands on various systems of medicines gave me no relief for many years.
I happened to read an article in “Mangayar Malar” about acupressure by Dr Mrs. J.Jayalakshmi. She treated me with acupressure and I had some good relief for the first time in my life.I could see the silver linings, but again after 10 days I got the same complaint.Second time she treated me in some other acupressure points.I had good relief after 2 days.Again after one month the same complaint occured with head ache,nausea and burning sensation.It became really a “Burning problem”.This time Dr. Jayalakshmi treated me with acupuncture and taught me a few simple breating exercises.Now I am completely relieved of my migraine headache.I am following her instructions regularly.
My interest to learn Acupressure motivated me to join the Acupressure Classes conducted by Dr.J. Jayalakshmi.Now I am treating some patients from my family circle. I have resolved to do some service to humanity by relieving of their sufferings without any medicines and side-effects.
Feed Back on Great Belief in Pulse Diagnosis
Mrs. Vijaya Seshadri, 730, 18th Main, 11th Cross, Padmanabhanagar, Bangalore - 560 070 Tel : 6690 290
I had attended the Basic Course in Acupressere 4 years ago and have been taking treatment for myself and my family members since then.At that time,I had no desire to attend the Advance Course.This year again I attended the Basic Course and somehow had an urge to do the Advance Course.
In the first class itself,Dr. Bhojraj taught us Puse Diagnosis and asked all of us to check our own pulses.As I was not very clear then, he asked our Course Coordinator,Mrs. Sujata, to check my pulses.I was diagonised as of Yin coldness constitution.Dr. Bhojraj gave me Yin coldness sedation and my lower back pain and abdominal pain of 3 to 4 weeks just vanished.In fact the pain was quite severe, not allowing me to do any bending activities.I had thought I would have to have some tests done.That night I was a little more tired.The next day I had more urination,but got rid of the nagging pain.
Now I have developed great belief in Puse Diagnosis.Based on just the Pulse Diagnosis,irrespective of what and how many problems we have, a mere sedating or toning the affected organ can cure us.I suggest every one to take up this Advance Course and understand the scientific approach behind this Acupressure / Acupuncture.It makes our belief more firm and contributes to better and faster healing.
I have completed my Advance Course last month and since then I have treated my son for cold–Yin humidity sedation and mouth ulcer–Yang heat sedation.I have treated my friends also for cough and done hip balancing for the hip pain.
One morning, on getting up,I had hip pain and I tried this balancing on myself which gave me immense relief.I was surprised when my treatment too was giving relief – indicating that this therapy has a clear scientific approach.
I thank Dr. Bhojraj for putting forth this wonderful Drugless therapy in systematic and simple approach. He has almost made it at our finger tips and we are taking practical training to attain perfection.
II Case
Chronic cough for long duration can be due to pulmonary tuberculosis.Lack of appetite and watery stools will be the symptoms. The best treatment has to stimulate humidity (spleen) to create dryness (Lungs)
In another condition coughing with much phlegm with acute pain in the abdomen can be treated by tonifying the kidney.It supports the lungs immediately and reduces cough. Anti-subjugation cycle to be followed.
In this case the patient will have cough with a weak voice, shortness of breath, insufficient phlegm,breathlessness after exertion and possibly aching in the abdomen with increased urination For this condition tonifying kidney will give good results.
In this case the patient will have coughing with throat irritation and pain in the ribs. In this condition sedate Liver so that Lungs gain control over it.
People who are weak by nature due to inherent weakness in the gene may be deficient in energy in the Kidney.Dizziness or noises in the ears can be treated by stimulating Kidney (Yin coldness).
Research-2002 on successful cases (Click here to see graph)
/Acupressure Research on Diabetes
Research Camps for Migraine starts in January 2003. For details contact our Programme Coordinator Shri P. Suresh on phone 663 8091. -- Dr. H. Bhojraj
by Dr. H. Bhojraj
28, 2002 5 to 7PM
20, 2002 5
to 7 PM
For Appointment contact: Mrs. Sujata Palyam
Tel: 6644 012
The next Treatment Camp will be held as follows:
September 29, 2002 5-00 pm to 7 pm
October 27 , 2002 5-00
pm to 7 pm
For appointment please call Mr. P. Suresh Tel : 663 8091/6644012
Address : 598,11th Main, 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore—560 041
Please bring your Blood /Urine Analysis report and the list of medicines and dosages you are currently taking.Send your feed back ,comments and suggestions to Mr.P.Suresh to the above mentioned address.
Section of the Audience at the OPEN HOUSE
Brief Report on the Diabetes Camp- By P. Suresh, Programme Coordinator
Camp started in February this year has earned good response form
those interested in drugless therapies.In fact the enrollment has been
increasing each month.The results are also very encouraging (they have
been published in each issue of this Newsletter) and most of the enrolled
members have reported good improvement not only in control of their blood
sugar levels,but also of the general health conditions.Many have reported
drastic reduction in their blood sugar levels in just 3 to 4 month’s
treatments and have been able to reduce medicine intake.There are cases
wherein medication is totally stopped after the treatment in the Camp.It
is observed that those enrolled themselves in earlier months of the Camp
have been introducting their friends and relatives to the Camp.The cooperation
extended by the participants has helped us in attaining our objective and
I am sure such cooperation will continue till each member completes the
months period.It has now been decided that effective August 31,2002,we
will not be enrolling any more into the Diabetes Camp.However,those
who need,can get treatments for diabetes in the regular process.
For requirements,Contact Dr.H.Bhojraj ,Tel:91-80-3326552.