Vol.10 March - April 2002 No.2

Dr.H.Bhojraj B.E (Hons),M.D (Acu)
Acupressure and Acupuncture Consultant

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For importartant Announcement
Diabetic Research (Successful Cases)
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(To know about diabetes)

From the Course Director

Case Histories   <1> <2> <3> < 4>  <5> (diabetes)
                         <6> (Fever) <7> (Knee pain)
                         <8> (Tooth ache)


Auricular Therapy  (Ear Acupressure)
(Continuation from last issue)

Circulatory System


ACUPRESSURE CLUB (Membership Form)

(Take a print out of this form and send.)
Membership open till 15th March 2002 for Diabetic patients. Free treatment once a month till January 2003. Patients must come with FBS/PPBS report every month for treatment.Your identity will not be disclosed.A code number will be given to all participants.Sugar levels will be published in our Newsletter from April 2002 onwards.

From the Course Director’s Desk
From the Course Director's Desk.... 

Power of Subconscious Healing

The power of our subconscious mind is not realised by many people to heal the ailments. This is one of the high potent forces which we can use to heal our body when we are sick or we can use it to maintain health and vitality when we are healthy. We can summon this subconscious power at will.

The automatic functions of our subconscious mind are many and they do not require any instructions from our conscious mind. It repairs our body and maintains normal working of the organs in good condition. It controls the body’s metabolism and distributes the digested food to various organs.It circulates the blood, controls the breathing, rules our memory, controls the sensory organs, controls the entire glandular system and regulates the amount of secretion which each gland releases into our blood stream.

The wonderful thing about our subconscious mind is that, despite its superior power to our conscious mind,it likes to take orders from our conscious mind. Hence the power of positive suggestions about our health,when our mind is calm and quiet, will produce the necessary conditions for healing or staying healthy. Our subconscious mind is most affected by the thoughts and words we most frequently indulge in. Therefore think positive about your health.Avoid reacting to the negative news which you see and hear in the media. If you are emotionally charged then the subconscious mind takes it seriously and communicates the reflection action to the nerves and muscles incorporating its negative action in your body. One must protect the children from such violent incidents shown in TV news or movies. People with emotional or negative mental conditioning are prone to sickness.Hence think positive and act positively. Never react. Please act.

  • Think positive about your health
  • Never react emotionally, especially for  negative news.
  • Write down the positive things that you want to have   happen to you.
  • Avoid hate, follow forgive and forget policy.
  • Read books that inspire you, but avoid crime books.
The ultimate happiness and  peace of mind will be yours if you follow these rules and can stay healthy for ever.We have started our Diabetes Camp in Jayanagar and Rajajinagar mainly due to the efforts of Mr. Suresh and Smt. Sujata Palyam.Nearly 60 people of various age groups have registered and the treatment was given in the month of February.I request all the registered members to follow the diet restrictions, exercise and medicine intake as prescribed earlier.As we keep testing the sugar levels every month, based on the progress, suggestion will be given to reduce or increase the medication.  As I have been writing, the cure has to come from within and you are curing yourself.The credit for coming out of Diabetes is yours and you must spread these simple self-help techniques to the suffering population.

We are also planning to call all members registered for this camp in May / June 2002 for explaining the theory of acupuncture / acupressure to cure Diabetes. Kindly call me over phone or send e-mail for any clarification regarding our mission to spread the Drugless therapies to the humanity 

With best wishes
Dr. H. Bhojraj
Course DirectorAddress:
1963, 8th Main, ‘E’ Block,Rajajinagar II Stage
Bangalore - 560 010.
Tel : 332 6552 / 332 4653
Email : acu_bgl@yahoo.co.in
Website :http://bhojraj.tripod.com

Consultation  by appointment only.
Timings: Week Days   6 to  8 pm
                 Sat  & Sundays  9 to 11 am 

Case Histories

Diabetes and Acu treatment -Medication reduced by half .
                      Says P. Suresh, Jayanagar, Bangalore.

 My mother (80 years now). was diagnosed as diabetic about 10 years ago and was under medication,diet and exercises. Though me and my spouse are students of Dr. Bhojraj and have undergone the advance course in Acu treatments,we did not insist my mother on acu-treatment.Having watched my spouse Sujata, treat many people for various ailments and being benefitted,my mother asked Sujata to give her acu-treatment for diabetes four months back which she gladly did.The physician who has been treating her for the past 3 years,was surprised to see the steady level of blood sugar in her for the past three months despite her age and limited outward movements and was appreciative of she being taken care well at home.On February 5, 2002, the physician advised my mother to reduce by half all medication since her blood sugar level was well under control.

My mother was taking Duotrol (3 tablets a day before food), some vitamin tablets and Stamase 250 mg.We thank Dr. Bhojraj for his guidance and training in this most effective Drugless Therapy.

Knee pain cured by Acupressure
                                                                 Mr. T.A. Vethanayagan
                                                                           Senior Engineer,
                                                                      LPSC, ISRO, Mahendragiri

One of my colleague’s mother was having knee pain for quite some time and she had already undergone almost all treatments;allopathic, ayurveda, homeopathic available under our  health scheme but could not get cured.Mr. Murugan wanted  to try acupressure therapy for his mother and since he knew that I have been propagating these simple healing techniques to my friends and colleagues in Nagarkoil.He contacted me in our office to know the points.

I advised him to give acupressure on the points K-3, K-10 and B-40 points as given in the book initially for two times a day for a week and then once a day.After 10 days he came to my seat specifically to thank me for solving his mother’s knee pain with acupressure.He was very keen to learn the techniques of Acupressure and brought the latest publication
Acupressure - A drugless path to Good health’’authored by Dr. Bhojraj.
3. Fever due to cold cured with Acupressure points
                                                                Mr. T.A. Vethanayagan

The Acupressure Newsletter November 2001, contained an article on different types of fever and how to cure with  the  acupressure by activating the points without taking medications.I was really wondering whether it would work for fever.

Similarly,I tried typhoid fever with TW-3 (Decrease), Liv-2 Decrease) and TW-5 (Decrease) and within two days the fever vanished.Since the patient didn’t follow proper diet restrictions, the fever relapsed and the antibiotics were given.One should also follow diet restriction along with acupressure therapy for fever.
Tooth ache Cured
  Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Uberoi,
                                                                            Hebbal, Bangalore

My husband Maj.Gen.Uberoi encouraged me to attend Dr.Bhojraj’s classes since he firmly believes in the cure with  our own healing mechanism.I attended the advance course conducted in Cluney Convent,Malleswaram in 1995 and I have been practicing  Acupressure techniques for  headache,back pain etc,and found very useful. Very recently the advantages of attending Acupressure course was very  evident when my husband complained about tooth ache and he had to attend a conference for two days. His pain was visible on the face and he had no time to consult a dentist for the cure. I immediately thought that I must try Acupressure technique for tooth ache and referring the advance book, I activated K-3, K-7and K-10.Within few minutes I could observe the change on his face and his pain subsided within 30 minutes.He attended the conference without any pain and for last 10 days,till I write this letter,he never complained about tooth ache. Anyhow, I recommended him to see the dentist at his  earliest.My husband was so happy  with the results and he asked me to put on record for the benefit of all readers. Thank  you Sir, for your training and advance book.


 For More Case Histories, see our News Letters and Acupressure Book.  Acupressure-A drugless path to good health

The Case Histories reproduced here are from previous issues of ACCUPRESSURE NEWSLETTER for the benefit of those undergoing treatment for Diabetes.

Diabates under control with Acupuncture treatment.
                                                                                  says  Mrs.Nalini Gopal
                     State Bank of India, Bangalore
        (From November 2001 Issue)
My husband is a diabetic since four years.He was prescribed two types of tablets to be taken before breakfast and was given a diet chart to be followed strictly.He started taking the medicine regularly and followed strict diet and also walking about 5 to 6 kms. per day.His sugar level came down from; fasting-160 to 145 and PPBS from 320  to 220.This was continuing with a little variations. Some times it used to go still high and according to that, the medicines used to be increased.Recently, during January 2001,I attended the basic programme in Acupressure conducted by Dr.H. Bhojraj and was very much impressed by what he told us.My husband immediately met Dr.Bhojraj and after one sitting of Acupuncture,the sugar level came to normal.When my husband went to Dr. Bhojraj the sugar level was Fasting - 180, PPBS 240 (in June 2001).

After two sittings, he checked his sugar level and the Fasting was 108, PPBS :138 (in September 2001).

Now he takes half tablet only.He is still walking 5 to 6 kms every day and he follows diet.He occasionally takes sweets also.My husband and myself are very grateful to Dr. Bhojraj.

Course Director’s comment : This letter from Mrs. Nalini Gopal inspired me for a proper scientific study of Diabetes.

Diabetes controlled -
                                  Sr.Apoline Vas
                        (From Sept – Oct 1997 Issue)

Though my blood sugar was under control with tablets, after  coming to Bangalore, it became very high. I used to feel very tired and I could not even climb the stares to my class. After attending the introductory lecture on Acupressuer, I started practicing oil pulling, acupressure and reflexology. Within a week I could reach the third floor of our building without any difficuilty. After the end of the course. I just checked for the sugar level which showed normal reading to my surprise.

My vision which was affected before I attended the course has improved.My memory which was diminishing is almost reversed and I can easily feel that my memory has improved.

Thanks to Acupressure.The course was something beyond my imagination. I feel very lucky to get the chance to attend this elaborate one month course.

 Sr. Apoline Vas
                         88, Business Cross Road,
                              Bangalore - 560 046
                                    Ph : 5547482


Blood Sugar Becomes normal

                                 Srinivasa Murthy,
                       Engr. ISRO Satellite Centre.
                         (From January 1998 Issue)

 Once I had fever and the fever was not cured with antipyretic tablets.I was asked to check for blood sugar which showed 48 mg/dl  instead of the normal 80 mg/dl.I was following only diet and exercise for quite some time as suggested by our doctor.My wife suggested me to meet Mr. Bhojraj.After doing the pulse diagnosis,two points in the palm were activated by him.After a month I checked my blood sugar which has become normal.

When I got the results of the blood sugar it was a surprise for me.Frankly I have not done any  acupressure  afterwards. But some sort of changes I have observed in my health after the diagnosis and treatment by Mr. Bhojraj.

Diabetes cured with Acupressure and Exercise
                             Engineer, CED, ISRO
                        (From Aug – Sep 1999 Issue)

 Five years back in the year 1994,I was asked to go through a routine medical check-up meant for the executives after 40 years as a preventive measure.It was detected that my fasting blood sugar level was 105 mg/dl and post-pradinal was about 150 mg/dl which was considered slightly above normal.Though I was not advised to take any medicines,I was asked to stop sugar intake and doctor advised me to start daily walking for an hour.

I was also advised regular check-up for sugar levels.The sugar level used to vary depending on the food espically  during the marriage season.In 1998,my urine sugar was detected as 0.5.At this stage,I heard about the Acupressure cure and contacted Mr. Bhojraj for treatment since I was also posted at ISAC.

He did the pulse diagnosis and activated the points once in a month for the first six months and asked me to continue general massage on the palms with rollers for 5 minutes along with walking exercise. Recently I checked my sugar level and it indicated almost normal and urine sugar was nil according to the report.Earlier I used to feel weak and now I feel more energitic.My general health is improved. It is a very good experience for me to state that we can keep the sugar level under control without tablets if detected at the early stage.I thank Mr. Bhojraj for his Acupressure technique which has given wonderful results to many of my collegues.


Know about Diabetes:
By Dr. H. Bhojraj

 Diabetes is a chemical disorder of the body, primarily involving inability to utilize sugar present in the blood stream.  It is characterized by an elevation in the concentration of sugar in blood and also in the urine.

Primarily the pancreas produces less insulin and insulin is essential for utilising the sugar (glucose) for burning in the cell to produce energy.  In lay man’s language, insulin is a chemical messenger which should reach the cell to open the gate for sugar (glucose) to enter inside the cell.  As per the present understanding, pancreas does not secrete enough insulin to burn the sugar in the cells.  Thus as the digestive process produces more sugar, the blood sugar increases and at a particular level it would be rejected by kidney into the urine.  Sugar in the urine indicates the glucose level in the blood is higher than the requirement.

Most usual symptoms are :

* Excessive thirst
* Excessive urination
* Excessive hunger
* Loss of weight (sudden)
* Excessive tiredness
Rare  Symptoms of Diabetes include :
* Change in vision
* Intense itching
* Drowsiness
* Slow healing of cuts and wounds
* Pain in the fingers and toes.
If the glucose level is more than 140 mg/100 ml or more than  200 mg/100 ml after 2 hours of taking food,essentially it indicates Diabetic tendency.

Diabetic Classification

1. Essential Diabetes

A. Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus ( IDDM)  or Type I 
B. Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or Type II

2. Secondary Diabetes

* Pancreatic
* Hormonal
* Drug or chemical induced
3. Gestational
* Glucose tolerance abnormality related to pregnancy.
4. Associated with certain genetic syndromes.


If untreated,diabetic may lead to Diabetic coma in Type 1 or infections in skin,respiratory tract,urinary tract or gastrointestinal system due to lower resistance power in the body in acute condition.In chronic condition it can lead to heart problem, cerebrovascular problems,eye complications, renal problems and neurological problems.

Treatment for Diabetes


If the insulin intake is more than the required dose, the sugar level can go below 80 mg/dl and hypoglycaemia can cause various symptoms depending on the sugar level.In such emergency, sugar should be taken immediately to overcome the problem

For any form of diabetic, proper education about the disease, diet counselling, regular exercise, stress free life, emotional support are recommended by the Doctors.
It is well understood that diabetes is a metabolic disability.  In allopathy system, it is fully recognized that we can only control this metabolic disorder with medicines or insulin and lead a normal life.  But in acupressure/acupuncture therapy, let us experiment whether we can go to the root cause of the problem and correct the imbalance in the system so that we can avoid life long medication or we can live with less medication.

Diabetes from Acupuncture point of view

In acupuncture theory,the pancreas is the gland controlled by spleen.Spleen is one of the Yin organs connected by Acupuncture meridian  (Fig.1) starting from the outer side of the big toe and ending near spleen.First thing what we have to recognize is that there is a close connection between spleen and pancreas.

Although the malfunction of the pancreas is the root cause of the problem in diabetes,we should look into why the pancreas stops working and stope secreting insulin.  In few cases there is a possibility that the pancreas underperforms due to its inherent weakness but in majority of the cases, this is not the reason for diabetes.

Infact,signals from the spleen stimulate the pancreas.As soon as we place the food on our tongue,the taste is absorbed by the tongue,which charges the spleen and the spleen immediately sends signals to the pancreas to secrete insulin for taking care of the food which follows. 

If the spleen is weakened, by not chewing and absorbing the taste of the food, the spleen will not stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin in sufficient quantity for digesting the food.As the food digestion involves other vital organs too, depending on the weakness of these organs, the symptoms of diabetes will surface.For instance,spleen weakness will produce excessive thirst,stomach weakness will produce excessive hunger,liver weakness will produce whole body pain,small intestine will produce burning sensation on the foot/palms,bladder weakness will produce excessive urination,kidney weakness produces impotence and lung weakness will produce itching of the skin.Liver weakness affects the eyes in particular. 

Diabetic retinopathy is mainly due to liver weakness.If the liver is activated with acupuncture points, not only overall digestion improves but we can avoid diabetic retinopathy also.Even though sugar level is kept under control,the side effects are seen in diabetic patients mainly due to continuous stimulation of the pancreas with tablets.

Now the point is, how to bring back the digestive system to the optimum level with acupuncture.  For a proven diabetic patient, initially the spleen point Sp-3 (Fig. 2) or  Sp-6 (Fig. 3) is stimulated since it controls the pancreas.  Along with this, Liver is also charged by stimulating Liv-1 (Fig. 4).

Once the liver starts functioning at its optimum level, the pain in any part of the body vanishes and bowel movement will improve.   Along with liver, the lung points Lu-7 (Fig. 5) is also activated to take care of the energy circulation in the body.
Finally, the Brain meridian, the spleen control point P-7 (fig. 6) is also activated so that the gland pancreas starts functioning properly.

In our Diabetic Camp,initially these four points are
stimulated.Patients are also taught the reflex points of pancreas,spleen and liver to be stimulated daily (as give in the figures ).

Since the stimulation mechanism is controlled by your subconscious mind,generate positive thoughts in your mind and try  sincerely, these self help techniques to overcome diabetes.

Continue your medication,exercise and diet control as earlier and check your sugar levels after a month.If it shows significant improvement,the medication can be further reduced based on the recommendations of your diabetic specialist.

The Diabetic Camp members are recommended to consult reputed diabetic research hospitals like DIACON, where the Diabetic specialists will guide you for the reduction of medication.

(For more details on Reflex Points, refer our book
 Acupressure and Fitness”)

Members are welcome to contact me for any clarification on Acupressure or Acupuncture.                 – Dr. H. Bhojraj

Duration of 
effect (hrs) 
a) Sulphonylurea Preparation

* Tolbutamide (Rastinon)

* Chlorpropamide (Diabense)

* Glibenclamide (Dianil , Euglucgon)

*  Glopizide (Glynase)






500 mg
100 mg
250 mg

5 mg

5 mg


Once or
twice daily


b) Biguanides

Phenformin (DBI/DBI TD)
Metformin (Glyciphage)

50 mg
25 mg
50 mg
Twice daily
Once daily
Once daily
c) Combination

Cholorformin (Chlorpropopumide,Phenformin)




C-125 mg
P 12.5 mg



d) Insulin -Types Available
* Plain insulin  * NPH (turbid)    * Protamine zinc insulin (turbid)  * Lente insulin 
* Semi-lente * Actrapid * Monotard

Auricular Therapy
-Dr. H. BhojrajContinuation from previous issue

Points can be activated for hypertension, hypotension, feeble pulse.

1. Heart
2. Lung
3. Adrenal Gland
4. Divine Gate
5. Sympathetic Nerve
6. Internal Secretion.

Give on and off finger pressure for one to two minutes and check your blood pressureIf you are successful in normalising your blood pressure, kindly drop a post card to the Course Director.



Click here
(Metroplus News)

Diabetes Camp Started

Diabetic Research-2002 on successful cases (Click here to see graph)
Acupuncture /Acupressure Research on Diabetes
By P. Suresh, Programme Coordinator

For over two years now,we have been treating many types of ailments by the Drugless method after having undergone the advance course in Acupuncture/Acupressure conducted by Dr.H.Bhojraj.Looking to the immense potential of this DRUGLESS method,me and my spouse Sujata,–after having experienced personally the usefulness of the drugless therapies – decided to popularise this drugless therapy.This Acupressure / Acupuncture therapy being painless, effective, least-cost and above all easy to be follow (without any side effects),is perhaps most beneficial to us. Though there are several ailments,particularly of the age-factor related,which can be addressed by this drugless method,it was the cases of several very young people–some even at the age of 3 years–declared diabetic and advised lifelong medication,prompted us to do something which has far reaching benefits.Hence the Diabetes Camp was conceived.Apart from treating the patients,needless to say the importance of buildup of the data base to prove more scientifically the advantages of the drugless therapies.We are certainly grateful to Dr. Bhojraj for accepting our proposal immediately when we mentioned  to him of our thoughts.Thus the process started in Late January 2002.We are certainly grateful to the media persons,particularly the print media (a couple of them reproduced here),who came forward to include our efforts as a news item.The response was so spontaneous and widely appreciated,we started getting calls even as early as 7-30 am on the days the news item appeared.We received calls from places like Mysore,Tumkur......We were requested by a caller from Mandya to start the camp at that place as many diabetic patients were keen on this drugless method. Needless to say our limitations.We have now decided to limit the number of cases to about 100. The Camp was started on February  17, 2002 in Jayanagar and in Rajajinagar on February 23, The Camp will be continued the whole year.

Presently the Camp (apart form our regular treatments),is being conducted at Rajajinagar and Jayanagar.The Rajajinagar Camp will be at No. 1963, 8th Main Road,‘E’ Block, Rajajinagar II Stage,Bangalore - 560 010. Tel : 332 6552.The Jayanagar Camp is at No. 598, 11th Main, 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 041. Tel : 6644 012.The treatment will be given on Sundays once a month and the exact dates will be published in the newsletter.People are requested to seek appointments for treatment. It is necessary that those enrolled for the Camp bring with them every month the Blood analysis reports along with the medication, dosages, diet and exercises they are following. It may also be noted that though the Camp is aimed at Diabetes, those enrolled will be treated for other ailments also. An identity card indicating the member’s name, Camp center and dates treated will be given to each member.We urge the members to keep this card as a record for future use.

We solicit cooperation from all quarters to popularise the DRUGLESS therapies.


Introductory course on Acupressure will be conducted by Dr.H.Bhojraj during 2nd Week of April. 2002 for 5 days (Evenings) in Jayanagar. For details, please contact

Mrs.Sujatha Palyam.Tel:6644 012
Mrs.Bharathi Gupta,Tel:6640875..

Kind Attention : Diabetic Patients

Become a member of Acupressure Club and avail FREE treatment for ONE year (2002).
For Details Contact:
Mrs. Sujata 6644 012 or Smt. Bharathi Gupta : 6640 875

The next Treatment Camp will be held as follows.

Rajaji Nagar:

Jaya Nagar:

For Appointment please call :

March 16, 2002      1030 Hrs  to 1200 Hrs
April 20, 2002        1030 Hrs  to 1200 Hrs

March 17,2002        1700 Hrs  to 1900 Hrs
April    21,2002        1700 Hrs  to 1900 Hrs

Dr.Bhojraj 3326552  1963,8th Main,'E'Block,Rajaji Nagar II Stage.
Mr.P.Suresh  6644012  598,11th Main,5th Block,Jayanagar.

Please bring your Blood Analysis Report and the list of medicines you are currently taking.Any one can join this Research Programme before March 31,2002.

Trade Enquiries for the New book 
'Acupressure-A Drugless Path To Good Health'

Contact: Shri P. Suresh  Ph. 6644 012 (R) 663 8091 (o)

The new book 'Acupressure-A Drugless Path to Good Health' and reprint of 'Acupressure and Fitness' are now available for public at the following outlets.

M/s Gangaram's, M.G.Road,Bangalore
M/s L.B.Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd,Bangalore
Mrs. Sujata Palyam, Bangalore.Phone : 6644 012
M/S Manasa Services,Bangalore. Phone:6638091.

Dr. Ashok Popli,  New Delhi .  Phone: (011) 6411815, 6433278

Dr. J. Jayalakshmi, T. Nagar,Chennai  . Phone: 823 1832

Mr.A.Prabhu,Sheldon,Kotagiri,Nilgiris. Phone:04266-73852

For further details ,contact Dr.Bhojraj. E-Mail:acu_bgl@yahoo.co.in    Phone:+91-80-3326552/3324653

To be continued in Next issue..May -2002
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